Rani Singh Jhajjar Diagnosed Kidney Disease in Ayurveda

My name is Rani Singh, and I am from Jhajjar. I was diagnosed with kidney disease a year ago. My health was bad as I could not walk on my own and could not do my work. But, with the ayurvedic treatment by Karma Ayurveda, now I am fine. Dr. Puneet took me back from death. I want to thank Dr. Puneet Dhawan and Karma Ayurveda for saving my life and making me fit and fine. My family is also thankful to them.

All my family members were shocked when they learned that I was diagnosed with a kidney disorder. Even I did not believe I had kidney disease after maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Maybe, there were some mistakes that I made unknowingly.

A few months ago, I had an unbearable stomach-ache and felt irritation and itching while urinating. I had a poor appetite, too, but I thought it was normal. Sometimes, it happens when you do not want to eat anything. These are some symptoms of kidney disease that I used to ignore. I thought all things were normal except blood in my urine. I did not have a thought that a condition caught me. When I saw blood in my urine, I was shocked & terrified. I did not have any idea about what was happening to me.

Also Read - How Do You Overcome Kidney Failure Pain

Then, my son took me to a nephrologist. A kidney doctor suggested we get some tests done. After that, they can figure out what was happening with me. All the tests were almost done, and it was the day of the result. My test reports came, and my doctor told us that all the tests indicated a kidney disorder. We were shocked and sad. She further said that my condition is not so good, and I would need dialysis to purify my blood and flush out all the waste as my kidneys are not functioning properly.

Also Read - Akhil from Kanpur a Kidney Patient

I had to go through dialysis. After allopathic treatment and dialysis, my condition got worse. I could not walk alone and depend on my son and other family members. It was sad that I could not do my stuff alone.

My son started looking for an alternative. He saw a video of a patient treated through Karma Ayurveda and told about his experience with ayurvedic medicine. He was looking healthy and fine. Why not are we trying this?

ayurvedic kidney disease treatment in the india

We went to Karma Ayurveda hospital and consulted Dr. Puneet Dhawan. He instantly understood the root cause of my disease and started the treatment. After a month of ayurvedic medicine, I could walk on my own. There were many signs of recovery shown at that time. My family and I were incredibly happy. After many problems, the result came, which was so happening. We all thank Karma Ayurveda for curing my disease in just a month. Now, my dialysis has stopped, and my creatinine and urea level are also reduced in my body without dialysis. We are very thankful to Karma Ayurveda.


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