How Modern Antibiotics Almost Cost Me My Life!

Everybody knows that when a major kidney disease enters, it can create drastic changes in their life. Major kidney diseases clearly are the most prominent villain that has taken some people to the verge of losing their lives. When I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease at the second stage, I lost all my hopes. I started having symptoms as I could not find any suitable treatment. But Karma Ayurveda came as a savior and saved me from this deadly kidney disease.

Hello friends! My name is Kritika Chauhan, and I'm a resident of Delhi. I'm a 35 year old and happily married. Before my diagnosis, I used to work at a company as an accountant. Then after that, I used to give classes to my neighbors’ childrens. I even went for morning and evening walks every day. You can say that my life was all sorted out, and I had no complications regarding my health. But it was about to be wrecked soon as there was an outbreak of the common cold at work during that time. And I caught it due to which I had to take a rest for one week. It was a common cold, throat infection, and high fever that I suffered from.

During that time, my fever did not go down, so I was admitted to the hospital. I had a recurring fever, and my throat infection became worse due to the cold. So doctors prescribed some antibiotics, and they were high in dosage. Some medications already created some side effects in my body when I was at the hospital. I felt dehydrated and peed more than my capacity. I used to go to the bathroom frequently and had itchiness in my body. I told the doctors about the symptoms I was experiencing, and they ran some tests on me. They found abnormal levels of protein in the urine and high blood pressure. So they started a medication course to suppress these symptoms, and when I returned home, I started having side pain, and my ankles were also swollen. I ignored those signs at that time as I was tired of lying in the hospital, and I did not want to go to the hospital again. My husband was worried seeing my condition and advised me to go to the doctor, but I refused and continued consuming prescribed medications.

Little did I know that I was playing with my health by avoiding seeing the doctor. After two months, my body became extremely weak, and I started feeling nauseous more often. I had stomach problems to such an extent that at last, I saw the doctor.

It was like a nightmare was waiting for me. He examined my urine and asked for some tests. My husband came to the hospital and told me that my ignorance of not seeing the doctor created dire consequences as my tests revealed that I was in the second stage of chronic kidney disease. When I asked the doctors what went wrong? My husband criticizes me for not seeing the doctor before. And he was right, as my ignorance had led me to a life-threatening kidney disease. The doctors recommended dialysis, and I knew what dialysis did to a person. So I told my husband to take me somewhere else for the treatment. But he refused, and I ended up going for dialysis twice a week. The procedures of dialysis were very tiring and greatly affected my life. I was not living an everyday life anymore, and the treatment created negative impacts on my mental and physical health. My life was stuck at a point as I saw no improvements in my health. I was suffering, and my mother-in-law saw that.

She came to my rescue and told my husband to opt me out of the treatment. He did exactly what his mother told him, and I was free from going for dialysis every week. My mother-in-law had suffered from a kidney condition in the past, and She admitted me to the same hospital that treated her condition without dialysis. The hospital has a great medical history where more than 12,0000 kidney patients recovered from their kidney problems. I was in favor of my mother's decision and met with Dr. Puneet. He was a gentleman and explained everything that went wrong with my health. The high-dosed antibiotics and medications were the ones that triggered proteinuria and high blood pressure in my body—both of these medical conditions tampered with the functioning of kidneys leading to the gradual loss of kidney function. The filters of the kidneys were not usually working, due to which I experienced those symptoms. The ignorance of my health had taken a toll on my life and I had chronic kidney disease.

Doctor Puneet assured me that cursing myself will not do anything. I had to follow the treatment plan with all my heart if I wanted to be healthy again. He designed a diet chart and made some changes in my lifestyle. I followed them honestly as I wanted to repair the wrong that I had done. The herbal medications that I was consuming were purely ayurvedic and different from the allopathic medications I took before. These herb-based medications did not create any type of side effects, and my body responded positively to them. The reports were also satisfactory, and day by day, the ayurvedic treatment helped manage my health. I regained my strength, and I got rid of the symptoms that I was experiencing. I was leaning towards getting my health back on track, and my faith in Dr. Puneet grew more and more when I saw the positive impacts of the treatment on my body.

My condition was getting better, and I stopped having any complications regarding my kidney disease. Everything was back to normal; my life was not circling dialysis anymore, I was moving forward, and only one person made it possible. That was Dr. Puneet, Thankyou doctor, for treating my disease with such excellence that I'm perfectly healthy today.

Ayurvedic treatment for polycysitc kidney disease in UK

If I had not come to karma Ayurveda, I would have stuck with dialysis for the rest of my life. It was the best decision of my life to follow the ayurvedic diet and lifestyle. Dr. Puneet taught me how taking care of my health can result in good health and vitality. I would never make such mistakes, and until this day, I go for a health checkup at Karma Ayurveda and prioritize my health first.


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